Working in healthcare, especially developing devices that improve the individual patient’s health and wellbeing, gives added value to our personal purpose. We all strongly stand by our mission – empower first-contact care to diagnose diseases early and therefore provide on-time and successful treatment, preventing serious consequences.
As the coronavirus and its dreadful consequences are overwhelming the whole world, we are happy to bring you some inspiring movements from our users.
Our partner EBOS from Australia has shared the following story with a happy ending with us. The female patient was struggling to walk, so she came into the practice to get her ABI measured. The device they used to perform the measurement was MESI ABPI MD. It personifies an overall improvement in terms of early detection of PAD on all patients in the risk group, making the process more efficient. MESI ABPI MD offers a faster and more definite alternative to older technologies.
According to the enclosed measurement report, we can see the systolic blood pressure in the patient’s both legs was lower than in her arm; this was especially true for her left leg (only 95 mmHg). Consequently, the ABI in her right leg was 0.9 and 0.6 in her left leg. The ABI of 0.9 is considered as borderline, while an ABI between 0.4 and 0.7 indicates moderate PAD.
Based on the results, the patient was advised to undergo a Doppler probe examination, which uses sound waves to determine the blood flow in the arteries. They discovered significant atherosclerotic change with occlusion of the femoral as well as of the anterior tibial artery.
Later, she was referred to a vascular surgeon, who performed surgical revascularization and managed to restore blood flow through her blocked arteries.
A few weeks later that female patient came back and thanked the nurse Tricia Callow, who measured her ABI in the first place, with flowers. She told her: “You literally saved my leg! I was close to being amputated, had you not found the issue with your MESI ABPI MD machine.”
Here is what Tricia, who is a Chronic Disease Management RN Adviser, told us about MESI ABPI MD and her job in general.
In the nursing profession, you deal with many aspects of patient care and help them through difficult times. I enjoy the variety in improving their lives as it is very satisfying for me.
Acute and chronic wounds are a growing global concern, driven by aging populations and the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions such as diabetes and obesity. As the incidence of chronic wounds continues to rise, we are facing significant clinical, administrative, and financial challenges.
Last year, at one of the centers I consult in.
What an easy-to use and handy device with such a positive impact on patients’ well-being!
Yes, for sure! Any healthcare professional that wants to provide a reliable, risk-free arterial assessment and obtain accurate results within a very short amount of time.
Even though we are doing it almost daily, it is still a special feeling knowing there are people who will be able to wake up to a new day because of what we did. There is no job that can give you that satisfaction!
The above-mentioned anecdote is a living proof that MESI is more than successful in providing on-time treatment and saving patients’ lives all around the world.