Accurate vital signs are essential for all levels of healthcare. Clinicians often face challenges with the measurement and transcription of vital signs, but many of them can be addressed with effective use of digital technology. The MESI mTABLET Vitals has been developed for simultaneous measurement of vital signs, the calculation of Early Warning Score and automatic saving of all results into patient files.
In this blog you will learn:
Vital signs involve the measurement of multiple parameters, and possible calculation of an Early Warning Score. If all this is done by hand, it can result in inconsistent measurements (depending on staff experience), a time burden due to manual data entry, transcription errors and delays.
The use of digital technology is also not very effective if the individual vitals parameters are measured on separate unconnected devices. Again, this causes delays, contributes to high equipment costs, and increases the workload for the nurses, maintenance and the IT department.
Lost time, transcription errors and fragmented data compromise the quality of patient care and disrupt the efficiency of operations at both general practices or hospitals.
The MESI mTABLET Vitals system is an easy-to-use solution for measuring and monitoring vital signs in less time, on one device. It offers simultaneous measurement of key vital parameters.
You can automatically measure blood pressure, SpO2 and temperature, and manually add the respiratory rate, pain and ACVPU. The NEWS S1 Early Warning Score can also be automatically calculated; this helps provide a clinical response.
After the measured vital signs are confirmed, they are automatically saved; they can be immediately accessed and compared to the previous results in the form of a graph. This enhances the precision and convenience of spot-checking vital signs, and contributes to effective care.
No more separate vitals instruments, lost result papers and hand-copying into files! The MESI mTABLET Vitals is a comprehensive vital signs monitoring system with great advantages for both GPs and hospitals. Here are its key features and benefits:
The MESI mTABLET Vitals displays the scores for all vital signs and the level of urgency for each of them. The urgency is indicated by number and colour. Example: In the case of a score of 3 in any individual parameter, that parameter is written in red, requiring an urgent ward-based response.
NEWS2 S1 calculates an aggregate score of all parameters. Example: If the aggregate score of all parameters is equal to or over 7, a warning in red is displayed, requiring an urgent or emergency response.
The vitals measurements are operated and displayed on a certified medical tablet with an 11’’ screen for clear visibility and easy navigation. This allows you to enter and review data more effectively.
The tablet and all MESI mTABLET Vitals diagnostic tools (blood pressure cuff, SpO2, and 2-in-1 thermometer) are wirelessly connected to the system. This has three advantages:
The MESI mTABLET Vitals is part of the MESI mTABLET diagnostic system. This means that you can easily add other diagnostic tools and apps of your choice – according to the needs of your practice or institution.
Diagnostic tools and apps: 12-lead resting ECG, spirometry, Ankle-Brachial Index, Toe-Brachial Index, pulse wave velocity, 6-minute walk test, dual blood pressure, averaging blood pressure, averaging dual blood pressure.
Clinical support apps:
The freedom of vital sign measurement and other diagnostic tools on one device enables you to easily adapt the MESI mTABLET system to different departments of your healthcare centre or hospital.
You can also instantly share the diagnostic results of a patient for a second or specialist opinion. The recipient does not need a MESI mTABLET to review it, and the patient’s personal data is anonymised.
All the vitals tools are connected to the MESI mTABLET diagnostic system, which brings the following advantages:
The MESI mTABLET system can easily be integrated with your current EHR solution. This means that you can order the vitals measurements from there as well as immediately store the result into the patient’s file in your system.
No matter whether you only use the MESI mTABLET Vitals or any other MESI diagnostic tools, there is a single interface to HIS/EPR for all of them. This makes the connectivity and maintenance of your diagnostics much easier.
In conclusion, the MESI mTABLET Vitals system eliminates the challenge of managing multiple devices by offering a smart, agile, and fully connected solution, offering error-free and efficient patient assessments.
This reduces costs for GP practices or hospitals, offering a scalable solution that grows with your needs. Due to its modular concept, it is highly adaptable for use across different departments, enhancing its utility and return on investment. This makes it more than a vital signs monitor; it is a flexible and intelligent ecosystem designed for diverse healthcare environments.