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22. SFMV Congress

20. sep. - 23. sep. 2023
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The French Society of Vascular Medicine returns to Brittany for its 22nd national congress in Saint-Malo with the theme: “Exercise and vascular pathologies”. The Congress will take place between 20 to 23 September 2022 in Saint Malo, France.


Vascular specialists receive a lot of patients from primary care as well as from fellow specialists like podiatrists. Their biggest problem is thus numerous referrals for a Doppler exam without any previous arterial examination. This results in a big workload. How can this be changed?

Guidelines like the Scientific Statement of the American Heart Association on PAD urge that screening for conditions like Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) should take place more widely in risk groups. The MESI mTABLET enables easy, 1-minute measuring of the Ankle-Brachial Index and/or Toe-Brachial Index at primary care level as well as at specialists like podologists. An advanced arterial age assessment with the Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV) app can also be performed. All these measurements provide an informed insight into the patient’s arterial health status and the level of urgency, and provides the vascular specialist with useful data before performing a Doppler exam.