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CPTS 2023

11. okt. - 12. okt. 2023
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The aim of the FCPTS (Fédération Nationale des Communautés Professionnelles Territoriales de Santé) is to bring together all French professional territorial health communities to empower all local areas and meet the health needs of the French population. On 11 and 12 October 2023, MESI will be present at its yearly nationwide event – the CPTS National Days (Journées Nationales des CPTS) in Auxerre. We will present the advantages of the MESI mTABLET for primary care and beyond.  

You are kindly invited to visit us and get to know how the MESI mTABLET diagnostic system can make your medical work easier and faster! 

• An all-in-one diagnostic system: the MESI mTABLET offers various diagnostic measurements. ECG, spirometry, oximetry, a blood pressure monitor, ABI and TBI are available for comprehensive diagnostics on a single device. 

• Full mobility: On a trolley or in a carry-on bag, the MESI mTABLET diagnostic system can be immediately transported to a patient. 

• Digital result sharing: the measurement results can instantly be shared with a GP or a specialist at an external location. The personal data is anonymised in accordance with the applicable legislation.