When starting our own private medical practice I had the opportunity to found out more about MESI mTABLET device and instantly know this is the tool we want to use in our daily practice. The main problem in family medicine is that we have a lot of patients each day, and our primary goal was to shorten all possible procedures and get the best results which help us in the patient care.
MESI has here a big advantage because the devices are reliable and all the modules ECG, ABI, TBI, BP, SPO2 are connected to the same device so we can shorten the time of all procedures and get quick results to manage care successfully. In family medicine is very important to have good relationship with patients and immediately react in order to avoid consequences and complications.
When adopting new technologies, it takes time and it is important that doctors work hand in hand with development department as well, which is the case with MESI.
MESI is constantly upgrading user friendly devices according to our recommendations and improving them all the time. This is the main reason we are motivated to work with them.
Watch Dr Jaka Strel, MD and Matic Verbančič, Head of MESI Product Development speak about the importance of collaboration with medical practitioners for the development of medical devices.