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#UseHeart to beat Cardiovascular disease (CVD)

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This year, the message by the World Heart Federation is #UseHeart to beat CVD and MESI is proud to support the Campaign.

❤️ 17.9 million people die every year from cardiovascular diseases and they are the #1 cause of global deaths. It is predicted that by 2030, this number will rise to 23.3 million.

❤️ The types of Cardiovascular diseases with the most deaths are coronary heart disease, strokes, and peripheral arterial disease.

❤️ As a result of these diseases, someone dies every 40 seconds. The patients suffering from these diseases often do not show traditional symptoms, until it is too late.

❤️ The primary causes of cardiovascular diseases are high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, inactivity, obesity and family history of cardio-vascular disease.

Each individual can prevent the onset or worsening of cardiovascular disease: Smoking cessation, controlling weight and stress levels, healthy lifestyle and sticking to any prescribed treatments can help prevent adverse outcomes. However: the most crucial part is early and reliable diagnostics.

MESI on the mission to help people get an early diagnosis.


With MESI mTABLET system of diagnostic modules; including 12-Lead ECGAnkle-Brachial IndexBlood Pressure, and Pulse Oximetry, you can diagnose high blood pressure, heart and cardiovascular conditions including Peripheral Arterial Disease early.

With MESI mTABLET you can:

  • View results on a tablet and computer right after performing the measurement.
  • Send anonymized digital results to consulting doctors in a matter of seconds.
  • Add additional modules and apps to optimize workflows.

The system is equipped with additional features such as MESI mRECORDS for faster and easier patient management, and access to MESI mSTORE with additional healthcare-related applications.

With MESI mTABLET all the measurements are automatically stored and can be accessed from any web-enabled device, allowing safe and secure information flow. According to your practice’s needs, you can add new measurements and software upgrades whenever necessary.


MESI mTABLET ECG (first completely digital ECG) 

+ FREE wireless Blood Pressure Cuff (MESI BP MODULE)

* Offer valid only until 10 October 2020.